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Make your team a dream team !

Contact us for 

Executive and Teams Trainings in


Hong Kong


Do you know how to?

  • To make your teams produce more, faster and better,

  • sustainably, without getting exhausted?

  • To make the collective talent of your team become greater than the sum of individual talents?

  • To strengthen both collective effectiveness and well-being to work together?

  • Make your team progress, adapt, grow and stay at its best when pressure rises



  • Skills to foster examplary management. 

  • Skills to put your team in a group dynamic.


  • Self management skills

  • Collective efficiency skills

  • The art of training together

I'm taking you to create true teams

For 30 years, I've been training executives teams, and I take those who want,

to go beyond their limits, to get their performances to the next level.

From a 1 day workshop

to customized programs

Produce sustainable evolutions

The programs are associated with training routines integrated into everyday activities to:

  • Produce observable and lasting changes in behavior, individually and for the team.

  • Create new habits and progressively collective reflexes under strong stakes pressure.

Denis Thuillier

High Performance Coach, know more


The programs proposed by Champions strategy have been designed since 1998 with the pedagogy of the brand Success Strategy ® created by Philippe Leclair, world champion and French Olympic teams mental coach since 1992.


Executives &

Managers /yr


French National


Asian wise is a Hospitality consulting firm, offering customized solutions like brand creation, Hotels pre opening strategy, HR Manpower, customer satisfaction trainings.

Certification from the California High Performance Institute, which annually graduates a class of 300 coaches who practice around the world

Quality certification associated to european AFNOR et ISO quality norms

N° A100150 Aug 4th 2017

The programs proposed by Champions strategy have been designed since 1998 with the pedagogy of the brand Strategy of success ® created by Philippe Leclair, world champion and mental trainer of Olympic teams.


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