Our thoughts speak for us
Sometimes others call us while we are pensive, and we can hardly tell what we were busy thinking of… Actually, your relatives don’t need to be mentalist to notice that’s something is going on in your mind. Even when you don’t speak, your body speaks for you.
Stress and joy change our faces which send messages to people around us.
Thoughts also produce inner effects. The first of them is that they consume energy. When one knows that about 60,000 thoughts cross our mind everyday, and when we imagine that each thought is associated to a small amount of energy spending … then no one is surprised to feel tired when going back home in the evening, even when one stayed seated at the office all day long !
Thoughts which spend the least amount of energy are those which sound right and are the best suited to the situations we are living. These thoughts raise your self confidence, relax our body, and help us to stay calm and maintain pleasure.
If about 30 muscles work to produce facial expressions, only 17 are used to smile. Thus if smiling makes us feel good, it also gets us less tired than to sulk.
How about collateral effects of inappropriate thoughts, negative, limited or destructive thoughts ?
Each of these thoughts attacks our body, making it tired, and forcing it to react. They don’t only pass, but they stay on and start a slow undermining work, until they progressively destroy us by generating profound illness, or a burn-out.
Some signs although appearing insignificant, are already a first alert level for those of us who are conscious of their fitness level little fluctuations, and who knows how to read body and muscles signs.
Nature is well done, since if we don’t know how to read the subtle and discreet messages, our body sends us more explicit signs like headaches at the end of the day, cramps for athletes, digestive problems, and small spots on the skin.
The body gains control when one doesn’t react to isolated signs, when one continues to reproduce the same thoughts which are against one’s well being and the efficiency of the actions undertaken, and when our mind is not there to drive our intelligence.
It’s not any more the mind which leads, but the body which takes power, and also takes the needed initiatives, to end the reign of anarchical thoughts, by triggering behaviors which lead right to the worst.
When the body has diagnosed that our thoughts continue to go over and over, and are back firing on us. It then fires warning shots, the only way to stop us, and gives the mind the signal to set up a new initiatives.
It’s times like these when one may have an unlikely chance when a fall occurs, a stress fracture, or more serious crisis when the heart stops, nervous breakdown, allergies with tragic proportions.
Those abrupt shifts, take us at the worst time, and they bring us to face some basic rules which become a priority again in our life. It’s how some people stop smoking, or move their body in a smooth physical activity though for years, they told people we couldn’t.
Most of the time when things reach a breaking point, when life is stake, the survival instinct brings us renewed clear sightedness and hindsight to allow us to trigger behaviors that save us or bring us back to self balance.
Extreme situations like this, are rare in life hopefully, and the worst actually is not there.
Contrarily to what we may think, the worst remains in the usual, in daily bitterness which rotts our life, because one spends a lot of energy to fight against those things which don’t go as we wish, and which are sometimes, totally out of our control.
Those daily annoyances and other small frustrations are fueled by as many weird thoughts which undermine and mold us, running a permanent brainwash which reinforce absurd certainties and unfounded fears.
My professional life guiding thread has always been to teach, accompany, and train those who want to achieve challenges and overcome their limits, while strengthening their well being and self balance.
Since I was 22, I was fortunate to be able to create a few companies, and to enjoy outstanding success. Then I received harsh setbacks when I was bankrupt which led to depression.
Fortunately failure is enriching since it enables one to learn and grow. I learned to transform adversity into opportunities which allowed me to discover and master the universal keys which allow us to conduct our lives successfully.
I’ve learned and trained myself for more than 20 years on the technics which enable one to produce high performance, by combining well being and efficiency at the highest level, to produce lasting results, without getting exhausted.
It is this experience which I share with all those who want to go higher, without burning their fingers, by training them to implement their champion strategy.
